Wednesday, March 30, 2011

AFI update and BF Class

So at my last prenatal visit, the midwife wanted to do an ultrasound to check on my amniotic fluid index (AFI) since I had some major swelling in my legs and noticed decreased fetal movement/kicks.  After two ultrasounds, it was noted that my AFI was on the low side of normal but was still in the normal range.  The baby's development was measured and determined that everything was developing according to plan.

At my follow up visit yesterday, the midwife looked at my ankles, asked if I had any more swelling, noticed the baby moving, etc and basically said that there was no reason for a follow up ultrasound to check on the fluid.  I guess that means everything is good to go but I was slightly disappointed that there wasn't more 'science' to her conclusion.  The further we go into this pregnancy, the more I realize that things are what they are.  Your baby may move around a lot one day and not so much the next but that doesn't mean there is cause for concern.  So, we're good to chug along and our next appointment is April 14th (Week 37!).  I still have the group B strep test to undergo but that should be relatively easy.  I pass those tests like they're nothing!

Last night I had an interesting experience.  I signed up for a breastfeeding class months ago and Jon and I took a birth class together.  Jon opted out of this one citing it was "woman-stuff" and drank beers with cousin Mikey.  I can't blame him really.  I was fairly tired by the time I made it back to the hospital for my class and noticed that there wasn't anyone there.  I mean, nobody was there.  Our birth class had some people wandering the halls but last night, I was solo.  When I walked into the waiting room, I saw that there were two chairs facing each other and nobody else in the room.  OK - we're having a private breast feeding instruction class.  Not too bad.  It turns out that the other person who had signed up for my night jumped into a different class 3 weeks earlier.  The next scheduled class is too close to my due date so she kept my night open and gave me one-on-one advice and instruction.

It ended up being helpful because I could explain my exact work situation and daycare/nannycare and work through strategies for a successful transition between baby and work.  It was a little odd being the only person there but she was nice enough to stay late on a Tuesday night and provide fairly comprehensive education.

This weekend is going to be 'get everything done weekend':
1. Organize the nursery
2. Finish baby shower thank you notes -- those will never get done otherwise
3. Install our car seat bases
4. Meet with the granite folks to get the countertops measured and templated
5. Pack our hospital bags and doggy-care bags
6. Attend our infant CPR class on Sunday
7. Finish knitting my first infant hat -- it's been 98% done for the past 3 months.

I'm kind of over the waiting bit of this pregnancy so getting the above accomplished will feel like a great weight is lifted.  You should see my work to-do list! Much longer!

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