Normally my posts are well articulated, thoughtful descriptions of experiences that we have had recently. Well, NOT TODAY – today I’m just getting rid of a few things that have been “filling up my notebook” as the writers say. Who knows, maybe one or two of these will be fleshed out a little more, but as of now -

Fashion – I’m used to b-school style rules, where we had “business formal” (suit), “business casual” (sports coat/sweater), or casual. Out here, though, NO RULES. Folks are wearing jeans to meetings, button up shirts are decidedly NOT buttoned up (chest hair is so hot right now), and some folks could go right from the office to the nightclub. Eye glasses make folks look like they just stepped off the set of Zoolander. To make it even stranger, normal colors need not apply. It’s not odd (anymore) to see someone in a green sportscoat with red jeans. It kind of feels like an SEC football pregame – and I really need to stop giving a “go DAWGS!” yell every time I see red pants….
Snow removal – When I woke up the other morning to walk the dogs (6:30am or so), it had snowed about 1-2 inches overnight. Nothing major, but I was prepared to do a little more trudging on my walk than normal. NOT SO. While I was kind of expecting the roads to be plowed, I was not expecting that each sidewalk would have had plowed as well. I was able to walk the dogs in the middle of the sidewalk, down a freshly “plowed” aisle – it was very nice! I’m not sure what time the sidewalk plower works, nor what he uses for it, but I definitely appreciate it
Tech socialism – I was reading an article in Wired the other day and I couldn’t believe the list of top-tier startups that were founded in
Pay day monthly – Obviously, I am used to getting paid bi-weekly, but here it’s a monthly salary. Not a big deal if you budget well, but if you come into the country with X amount of SEK, and you notice quickly that you haven’t been paid yet. Also, we showed up in
Plumbing –
Zed – they call “Z”, “Zed”….weird!
Summer houses – I know that in Europe it’s common for long vacations, and
Finding a place to live – We have 6 months of a company apartment, and so I wasn’t nervous about finding a place to live in July yet. Evidently, I am OUT OF MY MIND. Everyone I work with has already asked me multiple times where we will live in a few months, and from what we hear, the waiting list for a “traditional rental” in town, is 30 years. A lot of folks recommend we buy, but after our
Dog Friendly! - Dogs are able to come on public transportation and into most stores! At first, I thought it was just the little
That’s about it right now, but I’m sure that more random things will pop in my head.
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