My Monday morning routine is now focused on picking up the new weekly flyers to see what is on sale. This was the first week of our new “Swedish-cooking motivation” and I got pretty pumped up when I found mussels advertised on sale for something like $2 a pound. I found the mussel soup recipe on the official Swedish blog (link below) and was ready to do this on Saturday night. It was a pretty easy recipe, mostly mussels, cabbage, white wine and cream – which I grabbed Friday afternoon. When I was at the store, I put in my order for one kilo, and then when I increased it to two, I gained the respect of the fish monger who was impressed with my eye for value.

This was a very quick recipe, only taking 15 minutes or so to make, so we were chowing down in no time. The clams (UPDATE - NOT CLAMS, MUSSELS - evidently we aren't used to shellfish yet) were huge (almost too big - couldn't fit on a spoon) and fresh. While the lettuce didn’t make the cut, and it wasn’t very “soup” like, it was a tasty broth that went great with some French bread we brought.
The best part of this was that the “soup” was great as leftovers – the next day I heated it up again and added a little bit of flour to thicken it up. We then put it over some pasta and we were good to go all over again.
Although I think that Lis and I were both pretty much done with it after 4 days of mussels, it is definitely one that I would do again.

Overall Score (out of 5)–
Jon – 4 BORKS
Lisa – 3,5 BORKS
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