As normal, Calvin woke us up at 6am this morning. What REALLY woke me up this morning though was the blinding snow storm outside. I was totally ready for snow when we showed up in January. I was excited for the snow in February as we walked around the city. I was getting a littttttle bored with snow in March. When we got snow on Good Friday I called it a “freak snow storm”. When I saw over an inch of the heavy stuff this morning, I lost it a little. I updated our weekend plans to include “hiding under the covers until it was 70 degrees”.
Luckily Lisa looked on the positive side and Calvin gave me a little pep talk (bah bahhh bah), and we decided to make a big pot of coffee and some tasty pancakes. After that, we decided to take the girls to a new dog park and play around outside a little bit. The hounds loved it, running around and chasing rabbits. Calvin loved watching the dogs, and I was able to show Lis the new dog park I had found.
I remembered that you can’t be scared of the weather in

No such thing as bad weather - only bad clothing