During my Swedish class the other day, I was talking with the 22 yr old german dude and the 20 yr old French guy (trying to get the hook up for where the coolest parties are in Stockholm – but they weren’t going to give up that info to a 30yr old, married father). I was asking them about Vienna (where Lisa and I are visiting in a few weeks), and the Parisan said that it was a gorgeous city, but that Austrians were all jerks. He had to leave after that, so I asked the German what was wrong with the Austrians. He explained that Austrians were fine, but that everyone in Europe hated the French, and therefore the French probably think the rest of Europe was filled with rude people. We then bonded over our mutual distrust of French people (although the kid in my class seems fine). Evidently they are all snotty, refuse to learn/use any other language and think they are better than everyone. We did some good solid french bashing until the train came - good to know that anti-francophiles are not just a US thing…

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