Thursday, April 25, 2013

The first signs of a Swedish Spring

These beauties appeared in the middle of our
yard where grass normally grows. Pretty!
In many places, spring arrives with longer days, some rain, buds sprouting on trees and the disappearance of all snow and ice.  In Sweden, there is a maniacally crazy and random cycle of snow, sun, rain, snow, rain, rain, snow, sun, snow, rain, before spring decides to stay a while.  This elusiveness really toys with your sanity.

In addition to the typical weather patterns that indicate spring is arriving, we've noticed that Stockholm has its own indicators.  Everyone seems to relax a little more and shovels are put away in their garages until the next snow fall or 6 months, whichever comes first.

Here is our list of uniquely Swedish/Stockholmish signs of spring:
  • You put away your heavy winter gear for your early spring/fall gear -- lighter gloves and hats are now worn around town
  • Hunter rain boots and spandex are the new uniform for the Swedish women

  • Snow drop flowers start popping up through the snow
  • Everyone sweeps the rocks, grit and dead leaves into the street so that the...
  • Town hoovers/vacuums the streets of all of the sand and grit
  • Motorcycle drag races on the streets start up again
  • Your heating bill begins to decline by about 500 SEK/month
  • Neighbors start shoveling their lawns of all snow into the streets to help it melt
  • Dead branches and trees are collected and placed for the upcoming large bonfire celebration, Walpurgis Night, on April 30th
The site of our local bonfire for Walpurgis Night
Happy Springtime everyone! Enjoy the sunshine!

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